Protector: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 4) (English Edition)
Catégorie: Bandes dessinées, Sports
Auteur: Jack London
Éditeur: A. L. Jackson
Publié: 2017-08-28
Écrivain: David Clark
Langue: Suédois, Coréen, Allemand, Russe, Anglais
Format: eBook Kindle, Livre audio
Auteur: Jack London
Éditeur: A. L. Jackson
Publié: 2017-08-28
Écrivain: David Clark
Langue: Suédois, Coréen, Allemand, Russe, Anglais
Format: eBook Kindle, Livre audio
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Protector: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 4) - "And I won't send my gladiators in unprepared and get them all killed or caught." Galen's sharp voice made her snap her mouth closed. Frustration ate at her with hungry teeth, but she nodded
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Global Search » Read Online Free Books Archive - Centurion: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone Book 3). Gladiator Lore Uma-Xilene is a protector at heart and a sucker for a damsel in ugh he's well aware that the hard-shelled and sad-eyed Madeline wouldn't appreciate the title
Protector: A Scifi Alien Romance (Anna Hackett) » p.2 » All - Protector: A Scifi Alien Romance, p.2. part #4 of Galactic Gladiators Series. That he was a few years older than his gladiators didn't diminish his power at all, only enhanced it. His tough face was scarred, and one eye was covered by a black eye-patch
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Protector (Galactic Gladiators, #4) by Anna Hackett - Protector is book four in the Galactic Gladiators series by Anna Hackett. 5 for Scifi fluff romance. This one was really good with a prickly female with good reason. Amazing story about an alien gladiator and his human mate. Lore is an alien in the House of Galen on a planet Carthago and
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Original Title:Protector: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic ) - Gladiator Lore Uma-Xilene is a protector at heart and a sucker for a damsel in distress…although he's well aware that the hard-shelled and sad-eyed Madeline wouldn't appreciate the title. He knows what it feels like to be ripped from the family you love and have your life destroyed, and he wants to
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